Simple Strategies to Improve Your Health & Boost Longevity: Decreasing your Dementia Risk
From your doctors at Urgent Care Pros™ Lakewood, Cypress, and Fullerton

Two research studies from this month share strategies you can easily put in motion to lower your risk of developing dementia:
“Drinking two or more cups of coffee a day was associated with a 28% lower risk of dementia over 7 years compared with drinking less than one daily cup…” “Moderate tea drinking — up to two cups a day — was also associated with a lower dementia risk compared with no tea consumption.”
“Those who received the shingles vaccine were 20 percent less likely to be diagnosed with dementia in the five years following vaccination compared with a control group of people who received a vaccine for a different illness.”
Stay tuned here for more simple ways to improve your health and boost longevity and on our social media.